Jesuit Retreat House

Client: Jesuit Retreat House, Lake Winnebago, Oshkosh, WI
Media: Locally sourced maple and oak (indigenous to the area), cork flooring, steel with various patinas, custom LED lighting

Client Background: Jesuit Retreat House is a spiritual retreat center located on Lake Winnebago in Oshkosh, WI, which provides a rich variety of retreat experiences and an atmosphere of quiet, peace and prayer to over 2,000 men and women of all faiths each year. The retreat center was building a new wing on their campus to increase the amount of space for devotion.

Project: Create a small, eight-person chapel in a newly constructed wing of a retreat house.

Challenges: Small, rectangular basement room with no natural light.  Create a space that embodied a connection with nature and the cosmos with no direct connection to either. Limited budget.

Solutions: Transform room into an oval shape, encompassing as Mary’s womb, create 2 shafts to bring sunlight into the chapel.  Use patterns and materials to evoke a sense of connection with nature. Fundraising and working closely with client to make decisions.

Pieces Created: Ceiling canopy, seating, wall panel, alter, sign, door, sanctuary lamp